Futuclass AR
Learning through AR
This is an AR Learning game based on the reaction balancing I DLC of the VR educational game Futuclass Hub developed by Futuclass OÜ. Futuclass Hub is currently available on Steam now. Please visit https://futuclass.com/ for more information.

Game Modes
Learn molecules with our Chemical Cards (AR Markers)!
Molecular Sandbox
This is the simplest mode. The player can visualize the molecules in AR on the top of the cards through the app Futuclass AR.

Find the Correct
In this game mode, the player is given a hint of a molecule/element. The player needs to find the correct card that represents the answer. The player can learn about the fun fact of the answer after completing 1 task. There are 3 levels and multiple tasks with different design for each level. Contact us to know more and try it out!

Reaction Balancing
Learn how to balance chemical equations with our Chemical Cards! Get to know the reagents of the equations. And try to balance the equation through AR.

The development blogs are in this link

Contact Us
Get in touch today for additional info on the latest designs at Futuclass AR.
It will be available on Android and iOS platforms.